General conditions of use

Access and use of the Glut' and free mobile application are governed by the general conditions of use detailed below.


TOS: "Terms Of Use" means the document that you are reading.
User-generated content: refers to data and files transmitted by the User via the application.
Personal data: personal information linked to Users added by themselves or not.
App or Application: the "Glut' and free" mobile application.
Site: the website accessible via the internet at the address; it is a presentation platform for the Glut' and free application.
Data server: the server (called back-office or rear-office in French) which records, stores and distributes all of the app's data.
Services: they include the Site, the App and the Data Server.
User: a person who uses the application and who has accepted these TOS.
Partners: all sites or companies with which I have a direct or indirect partnership contract.
Glut’ and free: the person responsible and owner of the Services, namely Jean-Baptiste Crestot (also referred to as “we”) in these TOS.


Any user of the App acknowledges having read these TOS and accepts them.
Glut’ and free reserves the right to modify the terms of the TOS at any time. Modifications come into force upon publication on this page.
If you disagree with all or part of the TOS, you must immediately stop using the Services.


The Website will remain accessible to all without restriction, however, to use the Application, you must be over 17 years old.
Glut’ and free, however, reserves the right to refuse and/or withdraw without prior warning or justification, access to part or all of the Services to Users who do not comply with these TOS.
We have no obligation to retain the information stored in the database and relating to your account.
We are under no circumstances required to provide access to the various services, whether the Website, the Application or the Data Server.
We also cannot be held responsible for the malfunction of the network, servers or your equipment, preventing or reducing access to the Services.
Finally, we reserve the right to interrupt, without notice, access to all or part of the Services.


The User acknowledges having read these conditions and accepts them in their entirety.
The User is solely responsible for the content he generates and puts online via the App.
It undertakes to ensure that this data does not harm the legitimate interests of any third parties.
This is why Glut’ and free cannot be held responsible for the content of the Application.
The User undertakes to indemnify me against any recourse brought against me by a third party due to the use he may have made of the Services and to compensate us for any harmful consequences linked directly or indirectly to his use of the Services.
We reserve the right to remove all or part of the user content, at any time and for any reason, without prior warning or justification.
The User will not be able to assert any claim in this respect.
We also reserve the right to access, read, preserve or disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any law or legal process to comply with these terms.
The Application provides certain data from sources deemed reliable, however, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. The information presented on the App is for informational purposes only and cannot constitute advice or a recommendation.
Glut’ and free cannot under any circumstances be held responsible in the event of a dispute between Users and Partners.
The App provides information related to allergenic substances and cannot under any circumstances guarantee the absence of these. We cannot be held responsible for the presence of these substances in your dishes .
Users with allergies to these substances are asked to take their usual precautions when using the information in the App.
We cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for any damage or loss of any nature whatsoever resulting from the unavailability or use of the services.
Finally, knowing that the App is available to minor Users, the User undertakes to respect all regulations in force in France.

Personal data

Personal Data is collected on the App in accordance with the User and aim to improve their experience or use of the services.
Certain nominative and non-nominative data are collected for the purpose of fixing problems (bugs).
In accordance with law n°78-17 Information technology and freedoms of 01/06/1978, each user has a right of access, rectification and deletion of his personal information and may object to their processing and commercial exploitation.
Here is a list of the rights conferred on you by the General Regulations on Data Protection or GDPR, below.
Your rightHow we respond
be informed of the personal data concerning you that we treat and how we treat them (Article 13)This document allows you to be informed, you will be able to also find part of this information when use of the Services and you can also ask us questions directly by email to the address available at the end of this paragraph.
be informed of the personal data concerning you that we have not collected from you (Article 14).No personal data is collected other than directly to you.
access your personal data (Article 15).You can request a copy of your personal data concerning by making a request by email to the address available at the end of this paragraph.
rectify your personal data when they are inaccurate (Article 16).You can modify your User data directly on the App from the “My profile” page.
delete your personal data (Article 17).You can request deletion of all your data personal information by making a request by email to the address available at the end of this paragraph. In some cases, it it will be impossible for us to delete your data, for example, whether we are legally obliged to retain the data (Article 23).
limit the processing of your personal data (Article 18).You can request a limitation of the processing of your personal data by requesting it by email to the address available at the end of this paragraph.
be notified of rectifications, erasure or limitation of the processing of your personal data (Article 19).You will notify yourself by the means at our disposal of the rectification, erasure or limitation of the processing of your personal data
right to portability of your personal data (Article 20).You can request to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and readable format machine your personal data upon request by email to the address available at the end of this paragraph.
object to the processing of your personal data (Article 21).You can express your request for opposition to a processing of your personal data by making it request by email to the address available at the end of this paragraph.
right not to be subject to an automated decision (Article 22).We do not make these kinds of automated decisions at within our Services, that is to say not implying being humans.
For any request you can contact us by email via the address jbcrestot(at)glut-and-free(dot)com.

Intellectual property

Jean-Baptiste Crestot holds all ownership rights to the Website, the data service and the Mobile Application as well as the elements they contain.
The User of the Application undertakes not to share or make available in any way, any content, data, information or element received from Glut' and free, to another natural person or moral, of all countries.
All elements (texts, images, videos, software, databases, codes, etc.) contained on the Glut' and free Application and the site are protected by national and international intellectual property rights. They remain the exclusive property of Jean-Baptiste Crestot.

External links

The Application may contain hypertext links to external sites, given that I cannot control these sites, I cannot be held responsible for making them available.
Glut' and free therefore declines all responsibility for the content available on these sites.